With You

by *K~L~C*   Jan 12, 2004

Your touch takes away all of my worries
Your whispers heal my scars
Your kiss assures me everything is gonna be alright
Your smile gives me hints of your love
The gleam in your eyes tells me your love is true

When you touch me, my skin tingles
When you whisper in my ear, my body shivers
When you kiss me, warmth spreads through me body
When you smile, my heart feels content
When you eyes gleam, my heart can not be broken

I lay there with you wishing that our time together would never end

If only it were real...


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Perfect! YOU'RE AN AMAZING POET! Just doing what you're doing!

  • 21 years ago

    by *K~L~C*

    thanks alot ill take ur advice and call it some thing else