The Ever-Turning Wheel

by DancingForGod   Feb 5, 2006

There are always those who will try and hurt
Try their hardest to make you feel ashamed
They are the ones who laugh in the halls
Gossip and lie to turn others against you
Sometimes you can't see them
They deal in the secrecy of crowds
Sometimes they stand alone
Revealed in their wicked glory
They are those who would see you crash and burn
Calling you pitiful and weak
They mock you as though you were nothing
Unable to even register on the vast scale of life
Meaningless, unable even to touch those who would harm you
Unable to affect them they escape unscathed
From the burning wreckage they have made your life
But just when it seems that all is lost
That you can no longer go on
That "To be or not to be?" seems a valid question
The scales can still tip
Altered by the ever turning wheel of life
Whether you know it as fate, destiny, or as the will of God
Those who held power over you are struck down
Finally shown to the light
And revealed as the pitiful creatures they truly are
Shown to be the very things they once called you
Now it is they who sit in the public eye
Exposed and uncovered
Now they have fallen where you once lay
Now you can stand proud
Reassured that life can go on
Knowing that life is a never-ending cycle of highs and lows
An ever-turning wheel.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    This is a really good poem!! you are an exelent writer!! I give this poem a 5/5 :) good job, keep it up