You sold your soul to perfection.

by cαtαstrophe--x   Feb 5, 2006

PLEASE vote and comment people, i will return the favor.

You had a long night,
full of pain brought upon yourself,
starving and purging to be perfect
yet it didn't help,
your bones are beyond sticking out,
but in your mind you say,
perfect never came today,
it never comes my way.'

You brush your teeth hoping the taste of the toothpaste will hold you off,
But all these smells and urges come, and you tell yourself,I'll have just one,
but after the first one goes down you just cant stop it's like a vicious circle it goes around and around.
After your huge food splurge you feel so guilty and disappointed in yourself,
You have to get rid of whats in your body and you have to get rid of it fast!
you rush off to the bathroom, good thing no one's home.
You've become so immune to this lifestyle you don't need to use your fingers anymore.
It's over to the toilet, but you couldn't wait, now it's on the floor,
you hate this disgusting habit, but you love it even more.

Your stomach is aching, you've been throwing up blood,
you pull yourself up to the mirror and hate the person you have become.
you see yourself as fat and grasp at what skin you possibly can,
you think you have a fat bloated belly and Love handle's, at that.
You promise yourself to become perfect and you wont eat until you do,
little did you know,your killing yourself, and everyone around you really knows what you do.
Your day consists of no food, and when you do eat, you purge
the rest of your time your buckled over from stomach pains and whats worse is theres no cure.

When its time to go to school you put a smile on for all to see,
Your friends always try to comfort you and make you feel better but your too blind to see,
This stress you've brought upon yourself is way too much to handle,
so while everyones in class you run off to an empty bathroom,
you look at yourself and just see disgust,
you can't make yourself purge right now,you wouldn't take the chance of getting caught,
you go into one of the stalls, you know, just in case someone did come in,
you take out a razor you packed in your backpack for emergency's and cut yourself all up,
stay there until the bleeding subsides and then run along to class.

Then its time for you to leave,
your parents will be home after work,
that means your going to have to eat supper or make up one damn good excuse,
You shovel down your supper and tell your parents your going out with some friends,
find the nearest store and ask to use their bathroom,
once again the purging starts but this time it was too much to handle,
your small frail body collapses on the cold hard floor,
your perfect vision is no longer clear,
you throw up while your paralyzed and choke on that bad habit you have created.

You hated how you looked but truthfully you were way too thin,
everything was perfect about you, especially the perfect person within,
Now your bad habits have become the death of you,
Theres no way to take it back too bad you didn't just stay home that night,
everybody misses you and when they found you it was a terrible sight.
perfection isn't everything, you had good friends and a pretty good life,
But low and behold the thoughts of society got to you and,
perfection took MY life.

(C) Copyright, Rachel 2006*


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  • 18 years ago

    by simply taylor

    Wow. just wow. that was really super good. i hope you're not doing this to yourself. it's terrible thing. but your poem was really really super good. you can turn the smallest things and turn into one of the best things to read about. even if it is about really super good. but please....don't do anything to hurt yourself...please.
    .for every tear that rolls down my cheek a memory is forgotten.

  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Wow. just wow. that was gr8. loved it. 5/5
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • 18 years ago

    by **..Shell..//

    An excellent poem, you really managed to convey a story in that and express your feelings through words, its terrible what bulimia and anorexia does to u. i hope this is not happening to u and if it is.. i wish u all the best, you write some excellent poems. xxxxx

  • 18 years ago

    by SEAN

    Well written

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Whew thats a longer poem then i expected..but great job..with it..kinda like a story poem thing..Very Well Done 5/5
    thank you for all your comments i really appreciate it
    ~The Poet~