Her Little Secret

by TinyDancer46   Feb 6, 2006

She sits in the middle of English class
Staring at the clock as the minutes pass
Her head on her desk as she clicks her pen
Feeling her stomach as it growls again

She prays that no one will hear this sound
But the boy in front of her turns around
She blushes and smiles so he won't know
That she hasn't ate in a week or so...

Lunch comes around as she leaves with friends
Another lunch where she's forced to pretend
They ask her why she won't eat today
"I had a big breakfast" they hear her say

After school, she drives herself home
Then she goes and sits in her room alone
So her mom and her dad will never see
That she's everything she hates to be

Now staring at a scale she still won't smile
It won't be enough for quite a while
So she'll spend another day trying to starve
The body she's trying so hard to carve


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  • 16 years ago

    by aMomentLostInTime

    I can relate to this poem, I starved myself for awhile, and my family found out. Now I am learning to eat again. I really enjoyed this poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    You should be a proffesional poet.

  • 17 years ago

    by babblingxbrooke

    Another amazing poem...Im adding you to my favorites!


  • 18 years ago

    by JAy

    Wow, i love it..
    -story of my life.

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wonderfully written, I really liked this poem it was very real and down to earth with a good flow. sad but true excellent work.5/5

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