A World We Need

by Cristian Teo Regalado   Feb 6, 2006

We need to live in a world with no more pain,
Or any of the crazy dictators reins,
We need a life without gun fire,
Or a court with no lier's,

We need a world were we can forgive and forget,
Or a world without teachers pets,
We're always fighting wars on terrorism,
Even though we live in a country with full prisons,

Instead of fighting wars at home,
They leave us here alone,
What we need to do is fight wars on poverty,
Cause then the U.S. would live happily,

Instead of doing stuff to help our country,
So that we could live in serenity,
All we do is cause problems,
Instead of trying to solvem,

We need a world with no more crooked cops and drug dealers,
And also a world with no more steelers,
In a world we need,
There will be no more drugs and that also means weed,

If we keep up what we're doing right now,
If we're still alive in 50 years I'll say "Wow",
We need a world with good police,
"And finally we need a world we're we could live in peace..."


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kyleeann

    Thanks for the comment :)
    i love this,
    its completley true !

  • 19 years ago

    by rar

    Hey this poem is really good of ur yours.

  • 19 years ago

    by Aussie

    Very GREAT poem...LOL...if it was a perfect world there won't be chocess...i love u'r poems:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Very interesting poem..

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