The Only One I See

by Nicole   Feb 6, 2006

There it is
That star above
The only one I see
The only one I love

The other stars
Could not compare
For this star
Can't help but stare

The way it glows
The way it shines
That star's so perfect
That star's all mine

Daydream for hours
Only about that star
Wonder where it's shining
Wondering how far

But when I find it
Won't take that long
I know in my heart
That's where I belong..

With that star
The only one I see
Me and that star
**Pj and me**

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  • 16 years ago

    by Kelvin Masi

    I love your poem. It's a great poem, by the way amazing write!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Kelvin Masi

    I love your poem. It's a great poem, by the way amazing write!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by cassanova

    I loved you more than myself

  • 18 years ago

    by cassanova

    I wish it was true sweetie i would have loved you forever, and you now it but if you choose another guy over me there is no coming back. and the sad thing about that is it will hurt me more than you.

  • Are you and pj now back together? i've been reading both your poems and i'm slightly confused!! it's a great poem though good work! take care xxx