Grandad I'll.....

by Nici   Feb 6, 2006

Grandad I'll always love you, you're forever in my heart
It's only been a day, yet my pain has barely start
When I saw you lying there, frozen in time and space
My heart ripped into a thousand pieces, my tears began to race
I'm sure I saw you breathing, prayed you'd squeeze my hand
Instead you lay quite still; as all life for you was banned

*My Grandad died yesterday evening of a heart attack (his 8th one). I know this isn't really a poem yet but it will be one day. I hope.


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxToWriteLoveOnHerWristxX

    Its a poem to me. and its beautifull. i feel bad about your grandad.. great poems about him though. 5/5 !props!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lexie

    I'm so sorry about your loss. I can tell you i know how you feel, but i have lost someone close to me. With time the pain will get easier, but it is still hard. Again, i'm so sorry... If you need to talk, please feel free to email me.

  • 19 years ago

    by none

    Im so sorry about your grandad........i hope you are ok.........that was beautifully written though! and it expressed how you felt about it.........i think its an excellent poem as it is :]