Land of make believe

by Dreaming_Awake   Feb 6, 2006

In to a land of make believe we shall go
Where we'll end no one knows
Over the hills and under the does
To a place where there be no foes

In this land of make believe there is no pain
You can stay out till dawn and play in the rain
You can pet the lions, tickle their manes
You wont have to live your life in vain

There will be candy, cakes, and pies
In this land no one dies
There are no secrets or no lies
Even your mother wears funny ties

But at the end of this land of fun and joy
Lives a sad, decrepit, little boy
He has no fun or no toys
He lives from pain and lack of joy

He hates the people of this land
He wants to kill them with his hands
He lives in his castle of a thousand sands
Listing to all the peoples demands

His heart is cold and has nothing but pain
He beats him self with his cane
To relive his sins in the open rain
No one knows hes relly sane

Maybe one day his heart will mend
The pain in his heart will end
His own life he wont have to fend
His soul he'll finally send

this poems is kind about me and a place i dream of


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  • 18 years ago

    by aga

    Ohhh this is so awsome..Three words I LOVE IT
    ~keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    I love the description that you used. Also I loved the whole outline and idea of the poem. It's defiantly an amazing write. Deserves nothing but a 5/5. Keep writing and take care.

    With love,

    *> : PainOfOne - blaine

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