
by Luciee   Feb 6, 2006

One slice..Two slice..Three slice..Four
The sound of hitting the bathroom floor
Another cut..Another tear..Another life at stake
Will heaven be behind those gates
Drop.. Drip...
The blood flows from the wrip
Scars in P.e while getting changed are shown
Who would have known
She can be funny..She can be nice
But no one hears her screams in the dark of night
A cold shiver down her spine..
A blast of fears thrown from her mind
One tear..Two tear..Three tear.. Four
No one can help her to stay..Not anymore
Giving in.. is much easier than giving up..
So this blood... that wrist.. the blade.. Its now enough


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  • 18 years ago

    by cat

    Luv the pome and i know what its like to br like that i used to cut

  • 19 years ago

    by Paul Morris

    Thats such a good poem its so full of emotion such pain behind it i loove it i feel for the girl
    luv paul

  • 19 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    That was really good, great rythm and rhyme, keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by josh baker

    Very good