Just Friends

by Athan   Feb 6, 2006

I once used to love, a girl who was my friend
I once used to say, I would love her til the end
I once used to say, for her i would die
I once used to dream, about her all the time.
But then it hit me, she'll never feel the same
So why must i continue, to put myself through pain.
I never get my chance, to show her how i feel
My love for her will hidden, never to be revealed.
She out of my league, a million miles away
She living in the present, and im stuck in yesterday.
I wish one day, me and her would be
But thats just not gonna happen, not for me
I ll never get my chance, shell never be mine
I try all so very hard, but i m running out of time
I cant go on like this, it has to someday end
I cant go on knowing, that im just the "best friend"


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  • 18 years ago

    by 07Ashli

    This is a GREAT poem...i really liked it....it applys ALOT to me with this guy
    GREAT job on the poem

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Exelent poem! i loved it. and its so true in so many situations.. and i never realized what i was missing out with my best friend until he wasn't there anymore.. i hope you get your chance :]

  • 19 years ago

    by Markus

    That's a great one! I'm in exactly the same situation at the moment.