Comments : A Divided Heart

  • 19 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    Good point. that happened to me once. But it was my boyfriend and another guy. I realized my boyfriend was the one i felt more stronly for and he was the one i couldnt live with out. Maybe try picturing which on u cant live without. Or maybe just list what u like about them both and what u don't like and see which things u like about them are more important or something. Or you could also just ask your self. which one acctually cares about you. and wouldnt do anything to hurt you!But anyways it was a good poem hope u get it figured out.

  • 19 years ago

    by LoLo

    Good poem i have one i love and 1 dat loves me and idk what to any advicee let me know
    and yea i agree wit the girl if they both so perfect just pickk the one ur heart feels for more and who treats u better

  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    I don't really have advice for you, but i liked the poem!