Three Small Words

by Unknown2Thyself   Feb 7, 2006

Long ago I whispered the three small words.
Three small words that I never thought I'd say.
Three small words that are so huge.
Three small words that could get me hurt.
Three small words that could get my heart broken.
Three small words that let's the guy in.
Three small words that mean so much when said.
Three small words that don't come easily.
Three small words that are the true deep feelings inside.
Three small words that are meant to said between two people.
These three small words I whispered were "I Love You!"


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  • 18 years ago

    by holly

    Short but really effective sweet and so true!
    x ALLY x

  • 19 years ago

    by BeeBeeGun

    Awsome write
    all true
    keep up the writing looking forward to more
    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    Awww!! I love it!! It's soo cute and soooooo true!!
    "Three small words that could get me hurt.
    Three small words that could get my heart broken."
    Those are my favorite lines! They really portray your feeelings and reluctance but you said them anyway.

    Take Care!

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