by TOM ZART   Feb 7, 2006


Our soldiers line up to be remembered
As the best of the best at their job.
They wish to be needed and depended on
To save all we love from the mob.

They risk their life and limb for liberty
Standing firm against evil unwilling to break.
To be part of something greater than themselves
They are willing to sacrifice whatever it will take.

By Tom Zart
Author of “Love, War & More”
Published by Publish America


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  • 18 years ago

    by Babyesha Naveed

    Hi..if you dont mind i would ask if have u had som experience of these...and anyway you have very lovely poetries! :)

  • 19 years ago

    by TOM ZART

    Yes I have never went to war but many that I know well have and they agree with my poems about themselves.

  • 19 years ago

    by joAnne

    Weather we agree or not agree about this war,there are still service people there saving lives for their country,this will go on for more yrs to come so we must suport those that are there.wat he says in his poems are true weather we believe them,but im sorry i thoughts are with u all and wish u all a safe return ty

  • 19 years ago

    by BK Butterfly

    This guy never even went to war!!!! he makes it sound like it's the best thing on earth to be a soldier? Tell me what are the soldiers in Irak fighting for? you say the US? how? it's only doing dammage to the US being there!! People are losing their lives for oil, kids will get to grow without their parents and wives/husbands without their spouses!!!!
    the US should review its definition of the word ARMY!!