On pain of death

by suzanne   Feb 7, 2006

She's sick of feeling lonely
He's sick of all the rows
She knows he's cheating on her
He knows she's breaking down

she cant handle uncertainty
he refused her apology
she broke down on him and cried
while he just stood there strong and smiled

she's walking away now
he's begging her to stay now
she's the strong one
while he's breaking down

it's a classic story
of a couple pushed apart
the man loves from his crotch
the woman, from her heart

but now he's the one who's lonely
she's moving to a new town
he wished it could be different
she knows he's breaking down


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  • 19 years ago

    by Unknown2Thyself

    Omg! I love your poem! I can relate to this grab! But guys always learn that girls are strong in the end! good job keep writing!