
by Ashley   Feb 7, 2006

I was unaware
Of how sad I was.
Of how lonely I was,
Until this day...

I was embarrassed,
And no one came to my aid.
I couldn't talk about it,
I could only write.

Then I read
Other poems like mine.
I could relate
To many of them.

Poems about loss,
Attempted suicide,
Yelling at home,
And people who only offer a glare.

All of these I deal with
Every day of my life.
I try to be happy...
And rarely does it work.

People hate me.
I hate people.
I would welcome a friend,
If only one would come.

Everywhere I go,
I am looked down on.
I never get a hello,
Or even a friendly smile.

No, I am all alone.
I have no one in this world.
And I was unaware of this,
Until today.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kayla

    Aww hun great poem..but gosh do you really feel like this? Talk to me hun...im here for you! much love
