
by Jada   Feb 7, 2006

Sometimes I wonder what we could have been.
What we could have turned into.
If things wouldn't have turned out the way it did.
The things that were said I wish I could take back.
But there's no way I can change the past.
I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did.
I'm sorry for acting like a little kid.
I see no future if your not in it.
I see no chance of going on if your not
By my side...
I don't know if I'll ever be able to let you go.
Cause I'm not sure if I step out on without you
That I'll make it on my own.

December 3,2005


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  • 19 years ago

    by Seductive

    Hey ive been there b4 so i now how u feel, but i dont no ur circumstances but what i can say is , dont let a man get u 2 a point were u have 2 say i cant go on because u can just look at urself n the mirror like i did n i realized he wasnt worth any of my pain so im dealing with it , its gonna hurt but u can get past it . gud luc. u can read sum of my work if u like