I'm so angry

by Akela   Feb 7, 2006

I am so angry
This hate is so pure
You feel like you are doing something wrong
But you don't know for sure

It's screaming at you to hurt them too
Maybe they are in the right
But you don't know
To stop the tears all you can do is fight

Your lungs burn
Because you have this hurt and anger inside
They just don't see it
They are blind

You wish they could feel your pain
But you wish for them never to ask
Because they don't know you
You just keep concealing your feelings under a happy mask

Some days you think you don't care
You're sick of hiding this fear
How would they understand anyway
You can't even see yourself clear

Why bother then
Why even try
I hurt so badly
At night all I can do is cry

It makes me so angry
So mad
You are able to hide your feelings
They can't hide theirs when they're sad

Can't they do what everyone else does
Pretend your feelings aren't there
For the world to see
For the world to bear


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  • 18 years ago

    by Violet

    Nice one, It is very real. I like this one