Today is the day

by tom   Feb 7, 2006

Drifting through time
drifting through space
this is all meaningless
we have little taste

thousands of lives disappear
hurt and pain
but nothing to fear

help is on its way
today is the day

we make a stand
for this is all good
but not as we planned

for today is the day
stand up and be the one that counts


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  • 18 years ago

    by Extreme Philifan

    Hey, is Josh, the one who wrote about poop. Just to let you know, I wrote that in 2 secondes just for fun, i even forgot I put that on there. I Actually have written "real" poems. To find them under the search poems thing type this exactly (Joshua) and thean go to the 4 page and read one called the anomonous lover and the ones after. Comment on them after so I know you read them.

    Thanks a lot.

  • 19 years ago


    Wow, your title put me into song..tehe. Sorry bout that.

    Well I enjoyed this poem, I liked the diffrent flows..the change of rhytm in your stnazas..twas a niice lil touch.

    Well done on this, *wonders away singing :]*

    Keep it up.x

  • 19 years ago

    by NIKKI

    It was good. I liked the message it had. Its good to write about a postive messgae. The only issue with it was the rhyming flow. Some lines rymed in a pattern others didnt. But either way it has alot of potential.

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