Autumn Wind

by The Wingless   Feb 7, 2006

At the town's square,
My shadow becomes longer,
Autumn wind brushes my cheek,
The season dyes the sky,
In a page in my heart,
A page in my memory,
I sigh, Just a little,
And again I can walk.

In the distance, it's hazy,
Clouds, how far do you go?
To meet and to say good-bye,
The time passes that way.

"Good bye" Is the best you can promise me.

I am used to walking this road,
And going up the slope,
I see the stars sing,
I still won't be fine tomorrow,
The stars watch me gently,
Even the night hold me,
When I softly cry,
Please smile at me.

The view is dark,
Clouds how fast are you going?
Too fast to say goodbye,
Even the night blesses my tears,


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  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Lots of**
    Sorry, wow I make sense! * I have great English skills lol -huggles- I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee You!!!

    The Sick Tink

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Yeh im a little confused with this one..
    i like it, dont get me wrong, its just so intriguing..feels like i should be reading between the lines..
    SOrry maybe im reading too much into this..
    take care fo urself xoxoxxoo

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    Thanks heaps for you comment, i appreciate it very much.
    i really enjoyed reading your poem, it has real emotion..a deep meaning and a great choice of words! well done!
    luv em

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Lost or poems about smiles lately hunny, is that your new motif? Interesting concept=) anyway i dunno what to say you contuine to amaze me, I love you!

    sorry it so short and non helpfulness