She past Away

by The Poetic Child   Feb 7, 2006

The girl that i love so much,
had to past away,
now i live with this pain,
it strikes me everyday

sometimes i feel,
as i wish it was me,
just so she could live,
and live on happily

old past memories
stay glued to my head,
they just bring back tears,
i just cry in my bed

She had to leave me here,
She just left me all alone
No one to ease my pain
The girl to call my own

I felt so much for her
Lords knows i love her so
But now she has past
She had to leave and go

It was her time.
but i wanted it to be mine
he should of took me then her,
then i would of been fine

Sometimes i feel like,
Ending my life
i had a whole future with her
She was going to be my wife

Now the future is gone
And i sit with an empty space
just laying in my bed
Thinking about her face

Every second i think
a tear starts to arrive
and makes me think
on how i cant survive

i cant survive without her,
I love her with every inch i can
she was my protector when I'm weak
she was my helping hand

but now that she past away
what do i have left then to pray
To god that I'd see her again
To take my life the very next day..


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  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    I wanted to cry!! Wonderful job! sorry bout everything! =| here if ya wanna talk...=]

  • 19 years ago

    by BeeBeeGun

    I dont know wat to say it was just such a beautiful write
    keep up the good work
    hope this aint true though
    keep ur head high

    luv binkz

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    AWW I hope this isn't ture that woudl be so said if your girlfriend passed away. *HUGGZ*..*sigh* CONGRATS ON WRIITNG YOUR 100th POEM!! YEAA FOR YOU!! lol. Read my new poem thanxs..this one means the most to me otu of all of them, i think. thnxs.


  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    This is incredible. It's sad, but the love and devotion to the girl is amazing and beyond compare. I ope this sisn't happen for real. If it did, I'm sorry, but I hope it didn't. Thatnk you for sharing this poem with us. It's great.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~*Jenna Leigh*~*~

    Its so beautiful and sad! it brings back so many memories from when my b/f died...well done, your a wonderful poet!
    keep it up! 5/5

    Jenna Leigh