
by Cloe   Feb 8, 2006

Empty world, standing here alone,
No one by my side, no love to be shown,
You broke my heart, and expect it to mend,
You say 'with all my heart'..Im sick of pretend,
Should I forgive you yet again? All your fine lies..
I dont want to forgive you, glad for your timely demise,
Oh wait, Im sorry cause I love you so much,
But all I wanted from you was a fathers touch,
I am your daughter, a fact you shouldn't deny,
Countless times you broke me down, and made me cry,
I'll forgive you, you're my father,
But that is the Only reason,
And I'll never forget what you did and said,
Though time will go by, season after season...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Fits

    Thats a beautiful and sad poem, Cloe. I love you very much, and though I can never change what happened to you, though I am not there Now. I will Be. I will be by your side. I promise you this. And I will show you love. Never will you stand alone again. I promise you I love you. I promise you I love you. I promise you I love you. We can't change the past.. but I promise you, we can change the future.