MiiSiiNg U ToNiiGhT

by Rican Chemistry   Feb 8, 2006

Toniight I feel liike cryiin
I am so emotiionally depressed
I dunno wat to do anymore
Liike my feeliings I cant express

I cant seem to breathe riight
I cant even seem to smiile
I just keep thiinkiin about
How u are away 1000 miles

How I wont be able to hold u
For another month or so
And about how when I do get to see u
I wont want to let go

I miiss u so much baby
You just dont know how bad;
And not haviing u in my arms toniight
Makes me so dam sad

I cant control myself
I crave ur skiin next to miine
I just have to have u near me baby
For soon I'll lose my miind

But my wiish wont come true
For another year or so
How can I keep on holding on
When iits so easy to let go?

And Im not sayiin that I giive up
Just that iis so hard to love u liike thiis
When I cant even talk to u everyday
When we cant even kiizz

But I know iin my heart
That soon we wiill be together
That all the paiin I know feel
Wiill make me love u better

Its just that iin thiis moment
At thiis poiint in tiime
Im fiindiing it really hard to cope
For ur warmth iin my bed I cant find

So tearz fall from my eyez
Added to the many that already fell
Another niight of feeliin lonly
Another story that my heart tellz

I just needed to wriite thiiz
To kno that I stiill can feel
That even though my heart feels numb
My love for u is stiil real

Toniight I'll close my eyez
And thiink of u tiill I fall asleep
And I promiise that no matter how hard iit iis
My love for u I'll alwayz keep

Dediicated to my one true love, Rolando... I miiss you baby!!!!

*(he's in jail for another year and I miss him soooo bad)



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  • 18 years ago

    by Anaisha

    I love reading your peoms they always have a way to my heart and im not gay

  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    I hear you my boyfriend is on house arrest and I can't see him and I miss him so bad. so I know how you feel. very good poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Nee

    Omg that was awesome
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by C

    Awwwwwwww!dat waz so beauriful;') lol

  • 19 years ago

    by melly xx

    really good poem
    im lovin' it!
    5/5 to ze maxxx
    brings back ze memories eh?