The Tragedy (Not sure if its finished)

by Lisa Reed   Jan 13, 2004

People can say that weed is fun,
But my view is far from the same,
You see I wouldn't touch the stuff,
But for others I cannot blame.

They are looking for release in life,
Something to pass the day,
But what if it becomes a habit,
Something you need along the way.

I have a friend who was down to earth,
Always lived life to the full,
Never regretted the trouble he caused,
Just wanted to look oh so cool.

But a tragedy struck that shattered his life,
And he know s that he was to blame,
He know s that he cant change the past,
It's the one thing that drives him insane.

He decided this day to get off his head,
And smoke all the weed that he could,
He got in his car and started to speed,
Not even a thought if he should.

And what was ahead he could never recall,
Cause he was so high up on weed,
But when he awoke in a hospital bed,
He had no idea of his deed.

The officers had just entered the room,
And looked at him in such distaste,
They told him of the accident he'd caused,
And all that he'd have to face.

His head it just fell toward the floor,
His mind it remained yet so blank,
But when he heard he'd injured a girl,
His heart it just totally sank.

He had no intentions of injuring anyone,
All that he wanted was fun,
But now he lives with the nightmares,
Of what the hell he had done.

You see the girl she's still living,
But in a way she died,
Cause now she's confined to a wheel chair,
But the girl all she does is just cry.

She wanted so much out of life,
She wanted all it could give,
But still she feels she has died inside,
And wishes that she hadn't lived.

She wonders what wrong that she done in her life,
And why she had to pay,
Why she could not walk away form the tragedy,
Why she was sentenced that day.

You see my friend he did time inside,
But his sentence was not nearly as long,
As the sentence that the girl has to live with,
Her sentence was made to prolong.

So don't take things for granted,
And think that things will be fine,
Cause soon enough without realizing,
Another person will cross the line.


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  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    wow, that was one of th best you have written, so damn true, this stuff happens every day, its sad to say that i knwo quite a few people who do weed and its a sad day to knwo that one day they will hurt them selves or a nother person, this poem deserves to be in the top 5 for sure, this was a great poem liek always and i look up to u so much, More people should read this to show them what it can do to you or others, I tihnk that Im' gonna print this out and hang it on my wall..>Simply beautiful

  • 21 years ago

    by Kevin McNulty

    great poem Lisa, almost sounds like a newspaper column written in poem form. It was relly good, K

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    Wow Lisa that was great!!! I know alot of pot smokers too and I don't agree with it either...but you sure make a great case here!! I loved it.. :)