Inner child

by Bleeding Mascara   Feb 8, 2006

Heres this girl
she is me
her life
and all her family
have treated her shit
and all shes left
is to sit and wonder
how she ended up like this

theres that girl
no longer seems to be me
everything she does
No longer can i clearly see
it doesn't make sense
how happy she seems
when she was such a broken girl
and never blossomed to be free

everywhere sits a girl
inside each ladies heart
that was broken as a child
their lives seemed worse at start
but each young lady
will face her inner child
and learn to fix the hate
that never came on mild

so if they're all getting better
and facing there little fears
how come each problem i face
never disappears
i don't want to have to make myself happy
when they get it so naturally
i just want to know I'm accepted
and then i will be free


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  • 18 years ago

    by Vixs

    I love your poems, keep writing, keep sharing

  • 18 years ago

    by Rena

    Never quit writing your poems have such meaning its amazing!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Drew

    Hi it`s good to be able to write again I really liked this alot it`s the same no matter what sex you are there`s always that inner child filled with past memories.Please keep writing more i love to read them.

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