Darkness Has Become Me

by Patrick   Feb 8, 2006

A ritual unfolds within these veins.
My blood does boil, my heart is a race.
All memory is reset to not cry.
Upon this night the soul within does die.

Falling to the ground.
My skin is now white.
Whiter than the snow upon the moons light.
My blood goes black as the night screams in fear.
For the end is here!

I have such power; no way can I be stopped.
Flying through the air upon the wind.
Evil is not what I am.
Just one of darkness’s original sins.

With this gift I do here embrace.
I will live forever without a single care.
Doing as I please every night.
Then sleeping by day.
I must hide from the light.

(c) Copyright 2005


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  • Hey, i really liked this. I found that your rhyming was a little odd to begin with but once i re-read it i thought it was quite good because it wasn't as though you were trying to force the poem to rhyme, making it less meaningful. If you're looking for critisism or ideas on how to improve this i would suggest the seconf stanza, purely for the reason i don't think it flows in the same way as the others but it does still work. I especially liked the final stanza because i think it ends it really well....i personally find it difficult to end poems appropriately. Definitely 5/5!

    xoxox Charl xoxox

  • 18 years ago

    by jello

    This is good...5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    Well west, I give this poem a rating of 4. that was really good.
    I think this sentence "Whiter than the snow upon the moons light"
    was appropriate even though it may seem a simple not very important
    sentence. because it helps the reader
    to imagine the things you are talking
    and this one I really liked:
    "My blood goes black as the night screams in fear." because you said
    night screams and actually you gave
    life to the night. you spoke about night
    as if it was a human or sth. so, I think
    that sentence was a reall poetic sentence. keep up the good job.
    may you be happy,

  • 19 years ago

    by Timeless Hopeful

    I must say that the topic has made me quite off about the poem.

    It was too cliche, the topic, but the content was amazing. Change the topic to capture more readers.

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Wow i am amazed you have so much talent i cant wait till you write more

    love always\