Comments : Darkness Has Become Me

  • 19 years ago

    by amelia

    I really enjoyed reading this... u got 5/5
    welcome to the site !
    love amy

  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    Nice....really nice

  • 19 years ago

    by Brigitte

    Very nice job! You really painted your story with words, A rather hard but amazing thing that so very few poets can somtimes do! My only ideas for this poem might be to break it down into smaller paragraphs insted of just one long paragraph. It makes it much easier for the reader to read and it also makes them pay more attention to the words your writting when sentances are put into smaller paragraphs! But wonderful job other than that! The point of the poem came out to me crystal clear without a bunch of fluff sentances for easy rhyming! I look forward to reading more of your poems!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    You did an amazing job on this poem. I'm already looking forward to more.

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    Thanks heaps for your comment on my poem, i really appreciated it.
    about your poem, i really think you have done very well with all aspects...flow, quantity, quality, but most of all the deeper meaning behind all these words! well done, i look forward to reading more of your work..........luv em

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    That was good i liked it looking forward to more. . .

  • 19 years ago

    by Krysten

    Keep it up i liked it....very good imagery. i hope to see more.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Brilliant descriptions and some amazing imagry. over all super peice.


  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Wow i am amazed you have so much talent i cant wait till you write more

    love always\

  • 19 years ago

    by Timeless Hopeful

    I must say that the topic has made me quite off about the poem.

    It was too cliche, the topic, but the content was amazing. Change the topic to capture more readers.

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    Well west, I give this poem a rating of 4. that was really good.
    I think this sentence "Whiter than the snow upon the moons light"
    was appropriate even though it may seem a simple not very important
    sentence. because it helps the reader
    to imagine the things you are talking
    and this one I really liked:
    "My blood goes black as the night screams in fear." because you said
    night screams and actually you gave
    life to the night. you spoke about night
    as if it was a human or sth. so, I think
    that sentence was a reall poetic sentence. keep up the good job.
    may you be happy,

  • 18 years ago

    by jello

    This is good...5/5

  • Hey, i really liked this. I found that your rhyming was a little odd to begin with but once i re-read it i thought it was quite good because it wasn't as though you were trying to force the poem to rhyme, making it less meaningful. If you're looking for critisism or ideas on how to improve this i would suggest the seconf stanza, purely for the reason i don't think it flows in the same way as the others but it does still work. I especially liked the final stanza because i think it ends it really well....i personally find it difficult to end poems appropriately. Definitely 5/5!

    xoxox Charl xoxox