Conversation of an eating disorder

by Ripple   Feb 8, 2006

Confessions of an eating disorder
one purge, two hurl, three throw up

Every ounce of food resisted
The fat has got too much

Hi i am an eating disorder
Come to take over your world

Stop eating the stale food
Or eat it all and hurl

You are disgusting
I'll remind you everyday

You repulse me and others
In every single way

Don't forget that being thinner then
And everyone will love you

Don't give in to it
Because everyone is repulsed too

See that exercise mat, use it now
Can't you see that fat hanging around you tum

Look at the scales, lighter?
See you have won

Eating disorder, laughs
You haven't won!

Now your stick thin
You've changed, your personality gone

There is more fat on you
The little voice chants

Purge that food
As the eating disorder barks

Head down the toilet
Or over the sink

Fingers in the mouth
Heaving with those tearful blinks

Just listen to what I'm saying
All gone now, your getting thinner

Keep this up now,
As you are only a beginner


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by MiaFairy

    I like this poem a lot 5/5. i think a ton of boys and girls here that conversation every day (including me).

  • 18 years ago

    by XxXangeltearsXxX

    Omg i totaly relate
    its like listening to the voices i had in my head all over again
    but this time realising how wrong they
    i hope u arent suffering with this
    its horrible
    great poem though

  • 18 years ago

    by Micky

    Good job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Another Romantic

    This poem is really amazing and i think really clever, keep it up the good.

    it's subject that is close to my heart.

    Silent Romantic


  • 19 years ago

    by 0000000

    This is one of my favorite poems from you ....