Some World

by Lisa Reed   Jan 13, 2004

It was my birthday yesterday,
Another year had passed,
Only this one was much better,
Than the other years last.

All my dreams have not come true,
But I guess I cant have it all,
At least I have people there,
To catch me when I fall.

Others aren't so lucky,
In fact their life can be hell,
Even their mother or father,
Has put them on the streets for their souls to sell.

They don't think of damage there causing,
All they worry about is the money,
Letting men destroy their daughters,
Touching them and calling them honey.

The children are not even adults,
Some are as young as just eight,
Walking the streets and standing on corners,
Waiting for the guy's at some gates.

Some of them beaten so badly,
Others they end up with child,
Barely past the age of twelve,
These kids live a life that's so vile.

I know that I cannot change it,
Or make the world a better place,
But I wont be greedy when I blow out the candles,
And make my wish for it to be graced.

I guess I could've wished for a miracle,
That the world would be a heavenly place,
But you see that's just not that easy,
There's to much evil in the human race.

So next time when you don't get what you want,
Or you cry cause you think life's unfair,
I'm sure you would soon change your attitude,
If you lived their live with no one to care.

Life may not give us reasons,
As to why some are rich and others are poor,
But I guess we can all search for answers,
For some sort of humanly cure.


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  • 21 years ago

    by Tikka

    That was truely great. So true it is as well. It is sad that the world is like that... Though there is nothing really we can do to help it accept try to be the nicest person we can be.

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    That was so powerful and so good! IT was truely amazing and its sad to know that this happens every day, knowin some girl is gettin rape makes me weak, and i'm so happy that you write the things you do, your awesome, and i always look for you every day, keep lookin for me ok?

  • 21 years ago

    by Kevin McNulty

    You really do do justice to tragic events like this and the last poem. You write about them so well in such great poems, K

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    Lisa I agree with Mario...I needed a wake-up call too. Sometimes life DOES just seem soooo unfair...but others have it alot worse in so MANY ways...thx for reminding me of that. Your words here were unbelievable, I don't know how you do it...awesome poem, I will always read really DO have tons of talent..Michelle :)