Comments : You Fell For My Fictional Character

  • 19 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    This peom is so touching, I can really relate to it! just I dated the guy, pretended to be this happy, outging girl who loved life. but really I was totally opposite and afraid to tell him. When i told him he dumped me a month later, seems to be he told me ever since i told him he cheated on me a week later:(.... but ya i rated this 5/5 Im nice:P comment on one of mine please. thanks


  • 19 years ago

    by LossxOfxControl

    Wooow! This is great, you are a great writer...I love it, it's really good. 5/5 Keep Strong! Thanks for the comment on my poem too.

  • 18 years ago

    by Anna

    Yeah, I think it's really good though I didn't like the first verse. I don't know why, but it seems like it doesn't belong to the poem! However, well written!

  • 18 years ago

    by NannO

    Ok, i dunno how u do it.. but u do.. no matter wat u talk about, its always honest and it always makes sense... ur rhyme, ur flow, and most of all, ur content are found to be very close to the reader's heart.. so im wondering how come not many ppl commented on it.. ur title was attractive, too. i loved this poem, as im sure ill love the rest, but i gotta go now.. ill make sure i read the rest of ur poems.. ur awesome!! u must be so proud of urself..
    never stop writing
    be who u are, nobody else is gonna be
    take care

  • 18 years ago

    by Daniel J

    A well written poem I can relate to, though not in the obvious way.

    Judging by the other comments, it's a poem quite a few people can relate to. That, perhaps, is one of the great secrets of writing: the reader has to relate to the story, to maintain interest.

    Well done.

  • 18 years ago

    by melly xx

    That was an adorable poem!! 5/5
    and i loved that quote about the mighty oak an i really enjoyed the one about its so easy to lie 5/5 on all of those!!!