An Angels Arm

by Kys Dirty Little Secret   Feb 9, 2006

As the angel sat and was crying
A little girl was hiding
For her father would soon be returning
After his cigarette was done burning

As the angel sang
The mournful church bells rang
Since the angel was to late
She could not change the little girl's fate

As the little girl died in the angel's arm
And after she was gone, the angel tried so hard to bring no harm
To anyone on Earth
Who didn't see how much this little girl was worth

Her smile
Was as big as Nile
On a sunny day
You could see her laugh and play

Now as the angel lay in bed
All those images of that little girl flooded her head
Why did this girl have so much pain
When she had so much to gain

As the angel began to shut her door for the night
She sees the a girl in a glowing light
The same girl that had done no harm
And yet still died on that angel's arm.

if anybody likes it please rate or comment to make better I will rate anybodies poems if they rate mine PLEASE!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jaya

    Hey !
    This is really deep and a good job!
    x Jaya x

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Hey this is awsum..i luved reli drawed me in.keep it up..5\5..p.s thnks for da comment..
    love dia mwaz xoxox