The Little Pig

by Symone   Feb 9, 2006

The three little pigs went on a trip, they traveled all the way the clippity clip.
When they stopped to get a bite, one got caught by a string of kite.
The kite lifted the pig into the air, and when he came down he fell on a bear.
The bear started to roar, because it felt like he got hit by a door.
The bear got up fast,and tripped over the trash.
The poor little pig ran half a mile, he sure wished he had a phone to dial, his brother Kyle.
The pig saw a house made of ginger bread, it had candies that were all colored red.
He ran to the door, and hoped the bear would not come any more.
The bear stopped chasing the bear, because he started to dig.
The witch who owned the house, thought the pig was a mouse.
That's because she needed glasses, she even flunked seven classes.

Please vote and comment my poem. I wrote this poem for a class project. I just wanted to share it with more people.


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  • 18 years ago

    by just a poet

    Wow, this is a really funny poem. i agree with starryoceanights tho, u dont have to but you should extend your bioundries and experiment u may fdind some other type of writting u enjoy more. oh and bout the poem, i dont no y i wrote it or where it came from all i no is that it was my feeling and i was so sad that i was crying when i wrote it so it =must have had something to do with my emotions. any way, take care and gd luck with your poetry.

  • 18 years ago

    by starryoceanights

    Might I suggest that you try writing other types of poems other than rhyming ones? Just a suggestion. Try looking at the type I write or the people who have commented on mine write :) It's really hard to write rhyming poems, I know!! I'm terrible at it.