Not only love but everything!

by Mizz Kayla   Feb 9, 2006

We shared so much
too much to explain
We shared a love so true
We shared a friendship like few.

You were my Romeo
And I your Juliet
We sared each other
And created Love so deep

We shared our secrets
Our hopes and dreams
We were best friends
With a love much more

Our love so strong
How could it fell?
I knew it was forever
How could i be so wrong

Our friendship dwendled
The candle blown out
The love so true
Fallen to deep to recover

I lovst my lover
I lost my best friend
How could it be
With love like ours

How could a love like ours
Be so wrong
How could i lose my best friend
And my lover all in one.


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  • 19 years ago

    by sinead lisa

    Aww...babee that was well ghudd im reli sry 2 hear that...lovee yahh x

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