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by mookoo Feb 9, 2006 category : Dark, fantasy / other
Surrounded by black darker than worldly possible, I am caught in deep sleep’s comforting lull, But slowly the soft fingers of awakening touch, My cheek tingling as a leg wrapped beneath crutch, Soft hums rise through my musty silence of slumber, As curiosity slowly etches upon my stirring thoughts in lure, I begin to feel my body as if it was new to myself, Recently bought from a grand store and wooden shelf, My eyelashes tinging as I begin to realize the sleep there, Weighing down my eyes as conscience begins to blare, I feel my skin tingle as I find myself in surroundings yet unseen, Thoughts race as I find myself blind to innocence and obscene, Panic edges in my still groggy brain willing me awake, As though something has suddenly changed, becoming fake, I open my eyes to a dull set of shadows still set so unclear, My eyes missing color and edged in blur like a mirror, I look towards my doorway, as a slight creak comes from the floor, Looking out upon a midnight shadow silohuetted against the door, I edge in panic as I hear my breathing as I strain my ears, It slowly trying to steady and my heart pumps new fears, A shadow watches me as I sleep from the doorway, Always watching, never to make a move I pray...