Love Sick- Ex love

by Jay   Feb 9, 2006

I think I'm love sick what am i to do, the doctor doesn't know, cause he thinks its the flu. I have to be love sick, cause i have all the signs. Love sick is

When one person stays on your mind, when you wait by the phone, hoping that person will call, and until she does you do nothing at all.

When you write poem after after poem, and there all about her, telling how you feel and how you love her. When your willing to challenge any dude willing to take your spot, when you see her hugging someone else and you feel like you've been shot. Love sick is when there's nothing for her you wont do. I know all this because............. I'm sickly in love with you!!!

-Jay Tubbs


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  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    Wow! thats alll i can come up with right now, seriously i am going to have to use this