Comments : So Focused- Ex Girl

  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    Un like most dudes I'm not focused on what between your thighs.
    I'm so focused on whats in your heat and how you feel about me, knowing that this love is meant to be.

    Un like most dudes I'm not focused on whats between your thighs.
    I'm so focused on whats in your head and how you feel about me, knowing that this love is meant to be.

    I'm sure thats what you meant to say, if not correct me. And heres a little advice not saying you have to take it but you should space the wordings out I know you know what i mean, look at the comments on my Poem Baby Love if you don't

  • 17 years ago

    by Erica Christian

    I love it...touching.....~Woo