Smile For Me

by JustAFoolInLove   Feb 9, 2006

Smile for me, baby
Let me know your heart still beats for me
I wanna see that gorgeous face
Happy to be alive and in my arms
I want to know you laugh the same
As that first day I saw your eyes
Make me happy, make me smile
Make me believe this love's forever
Let me know I can still make you laugh,
So smile for me, baby
And show the world my favorite girl


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  • 18 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    That. Is.

    Ho.LY. SHYT!
    I'm stealing that, dear. But I'll make sure to give you credit for it!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Welll...i commented MUCH of your older poems and I was SO determined to comment them all, but I lost energy bc it bc really late for me.

    And you made them so emotional, that its just so hard to handle at the moment.
    But I promise I'll finish the rest tomorrow...I just finished Chelsea's Poem.

    Lots of love

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    This poem gives me conflicting emotions that I doubt I can put down to words...but I'll try...

    1) I'm actually happy you've found a new love in your life and i'm grateful you've at least come back to this site if only to post this poem. And i dont mind if you've decided to block me everything in the world.

    2) Let me just say I hope you had a great Valentines Day. And I Miss you a lot.

    3) You obviously want me gone for a reason, and i'm perfectly alright with that. I've actually changed a lot though, and I know that you dont like me asking for second chances. But could we at LEAST be friends???

    If not, thats okay too. It just kinda feels empty without you.

    So beautiful poem. Thank you for writing it, and I love your icon.

    Please continue to write here. If you dont want me commenting your poems, you have only to ask me to stop and I will.

    But over all,...

    you inspire me to be better. So thanks.


    Once again--Happy late V-Day.


  • 19 years ago

    by Katz

    It was very cute but I cant help but feel something is missing...