My Handsome Prince

by ShatteredAngel   Feb 9, 2006

As he walked through the door
My heart skipped a beat,
His cute little smile..
He was just so sweet!

These were the first few lines
Of my first poem about you
And now it's 5 years later
And I still believe it's true

Our friendship may have failed
And I didn't win your heart
But it's true that I still love you
I just wish that we weren't apart

These may just be my words
In a poem I've wrote before
But to me they aren't just words
They're my feelings and so much more

Have you ever dreamed of a fairytale
Where all of your dreams come true
You meet your handsome prince
And he falls in love with you

Well I'm the Cinderella
In this fairytale of mine
And you're my handsome prince
But destiny takes time

I may have to wait for years
But when I hold you close I'll know
I'll know it all will have been worth it
To have let my feelings show

Or maybe it won't happen
And for eternity you'll be free
We'll never be "together"
Because you're not in love with me

© ShatteredAngel 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    Aww hun, I remember you told me about this situation. You write so beautifully, I only hope that writing helps and that one day your dreams come true... Cheesy comment, huh? :p

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Great poem, beautiful but sad. I loved it. I hope your prince charming realizes the true love and comes back to you.