Pieces of a broken heart

by joyce   Feb 9, 2006

A heart that is terribly turned into pieces
Because of your hearts bad intentions
Thoughts of your good insights
Are just lies

I became boastful because of you
I have beaten them because I thought your love was true
I left all of those who are important for me
Just to show u the sincerity of me
I chose you instead of the other
Coz I thought your love will be forever
I thought u can show me a good tomorrow
And lightened me with no sorrow

But it was the biggest mistake I made
You broke the heart that totally loved you
You've destroyed the mind who
Thinks nothing but the face of you

Now, I finally knew
The true colors of you
Someone that I should call who?
A stranger that have just passed by me?
Or a liar who have just lied to me?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley

    That's a really good one. i like your poems.

  • 18 years ago

    by Babyesha Naveed

    Joyce its wow.........Keep it up ...God bless u