Comments : Love you little butterfly

  • 19 years ago

    by Suri dawn

    Oh my gosh,I am so sorry,~hugs~This is a beautiful poem.....aww tears!

  • 17 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Because it's a remeberence poem it's going to make it difficult for me to be honest. But then again you knew what you were letting yourself in for when you answered my post.

    It was touching yes, but this subject more often than not is. The line lengths and meters were inconsistent, although the fluency in my reading of the poem was hardly ever hindered, so well done for that.
    Punctuation wise it could be better. In places you've forgotten to use apostrophes and the word "I" should be capitalised at all times to be gramatically correct...
    I'm not keen on rhyme personally, so it won't be a suprise if I say I found this predictable.
    It was an ok poem. It served its purpose of being a very touching poem to express loss and rememberence. But on a poetic level it was only ok.
    Thanks for sharing though.

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    Wow this is outstanding with sheer love and mournful feelings. I can understand how special this poem is for you. Its just flawless i would say. Keep up the good work. 5/5 all the way.

    With love

  • 17 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    I am sure that he would have loved to have read this poem. i think it's so sweet that you called him your butterfly. the last stanza was beautiful.

  • 17 years ago

    by Amy

    That's a very beautiful and sweet poem. I love the metaphor of "I love you my butterfly". The first and last stanzas were my favourites. It didn't rhyme but still worked really well which is always good, some people find it hard not to rhyme but to still make it sound good. It had really good rythm to it. Well done, 5/5


  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I really enjoyed this piece, for the love and heart you poured into it. The rhythm was spot on and the word choice was stunning. The first stanza was my favorite. Though the entire piece was stunning. As others have said the metaphor of the butterfly is something I loved as well. The word choice was phenomenal.

    Excellent job :)