Still searching

by monique abal   Feb 9, 2006

What's love except the cause of my pain
it's also what bring tears to my eyes
but once it was the most beautiful feeling I have
it was real and it was share
all was exactly like a dream
kissing him was going to heaven
I never felt more save
that when he holds me in his arms
but I had to wake up from that dream
and past directly to a nightmare
I knew that nothing if forever
I though it will be different
but you lost your feelings and didn't"t search after them
that's when my worse nightmare began
now I'm still in it, I just can't live with out you
I'm still lost in this world, I'm still walking alone
I'm walking cuz I'm searching the love you lost...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jaya

    It's great! I think William Woodrow ^^ summed it's written from the heart !
    Well done !
    x Jaya x

  • 19 years ago

    by William Woodrow

    Good writting from the heart...keep it up!

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