Ten green bottles

by LittleMissImperfect   Feb 9, 2006

(this is meant to be sung to the general tune of Ten green bottles)

There were ten green bottles
Sitting on a wall
But what should happen
If one were to fall?

Would it smash to pieces
There upon the floor
Or just roll away
No different to before.

If my heart were a bottle
And you were the wall
Would you allow me
To accidentally fall?

Would you break my heart
Indifferent to the pain?
Or do you really care for me?
Do you feel the same?

My heart is like that bottle
It rests upon a wall.
And there is a good chance
That it will accidentally fall.

It may break in to pieces
Or just break in to two.
I know whatever happens
It will always love you.

My life is like those bottles
That sit upon that wall
At any time, day or night
One may accidentally fall

My heart may break in pieces
My life may fall apart.
But like those 10 bottles
We’ll never be apart.

Those 10 bottles will fall
United all as one
They’d smash in to pieces
For just a bit of fun.

So watch those ten bottles
They represent my heart.
And when one smashes
My life will fall apart.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Polly

    Hehe I like this. It's unique and sweet with a funny theme! Great work, take care
    - Polly x

  • 18 years ago

    by Nyx

    Everyone has broken hearts its how life is..good poem

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    Lol thats so cute

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Hey hun that was really good i love the comparsion that u made really koool xoxo Rach

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    :] this is a great comparison poem. good job i really really enjoyed it. very interesting and had some taste to it. ilike that.. keep writing.. your good at it :]
    takecare, sarah