If Only My Heart Were Free

by sarah   Feb 10, 2006

I'm so tired of never knowing what to do,
I'm tired of being so confused,
I'm tired of this feeling,
I long for something new,

I've been waiting for what seems like forever,
never gaining ground at all,
so I'm tired of this heartbreak,
and so many tears that fall,

My head says so many things,
and I know that they're all true,
but my heart still holds on,
and I just don't have a clue,

I've never felt such sadness,
as the day you walked away,
you drove a knife right through my heart,
on that warm March day,

after all the hurt,
after so much pain,
there's something still inside me,
my feelings for you remain,

I look at you and wonder exactly what you feel,
so many times I've tired to hate you,
but I know I never will,

Now I think I'm ready,
to finally try and move on,
I just never can,
cause your really never gone,

I still look at you and wonder,
if you'd ever be happy with me,
or if you really are my special meant to be,

I could take the chance with somone new,
just to test myself and see,
If only I could let you go,
and if only my heart were free!


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  • 19 years ago

    by james22

    Nice poem, 5/5, it seems like this 1 came from the heart, which is good, keep up the good work, o yeah, thanks 4 the comment, take care, have a good 1, bye 4 now

  • 19 years ago

    by jessica(i love you ry)

    Thankyou for the comment i am glad that you could relate to my poem that is my ultimate goal is to relate with others thanks im adding u to my favs