My soldier; the one.

by Heidi   Feb 10, 2006

Sometimes I say things,
That I really don't mean.
I couldn't go on without you,
We were the number 1 team.

I told you that you hurt me,
You cut my heart so deep.
When you told me about her,
I'd cry myself to sleep.

I didn't want things to end,
You were my heart, my dear.
My life seemed so peaceful,
When you were near.

I told you that I hated you,
"Darlin, I've changed."
I cursed, I cried, I fell to the floor,
I threw things with rage.

I hope that you still know,
Deep down under the pain.
You were my everything, still are,
My hopeful kiss, under the rain.

You were my light,
My soldier, the one.
I can't go on without you,
Look at what you've done.

The parts of my heart you took,
Will always be yours.
I will never forget about you,
When I'm with some other boy.

Your name will forever,
Be imprinted in my heart.
I love you so much; my lost love,
I have from the start.

Don't forget our memories,
Don't forget our past.
I never will;
And my love will always last.

By: Heidi
February 9 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by sandy

    Great poem heidi=) I could so relate to it. keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aw, so maginificent hun, very unique and outstanding poem, i love your work its like a breath of fresh air, wonderful hun, xxoo

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    The ending just blooms into a beautiful flower. i will always love your work as it radiates beauty and intelligence. 5/5