Dead Of A Heartbreak / How Can You Still Call Me Beautiful

by aDORKable x3   Feb 10, 2006

With yesterday’s make-up
Smeared across her face
She shies away
From his loving embrace

“What’s wrong?” he asks
“Nothing, why?” she replies
“I just want to know why
Your make-up’s smeared under your eyes.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry.
I’ll be alright.”
“No really, what’s wrong?”
What happened last night?”

She tries hard not to break down
Right in front of him
Her soul is shattered again
She tries to push the pain within

“You know I care, please tell me.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“No you’re not, you’re not okay
You’re feeding me a line.”

“If I were to talk to you
Would you really care?
After it’s all done,
Would you still be standing there?”

“Oh, honey! You know I do.
Why wouldn’t I be?
When ever have I not been?
It’s alright, you can tell me.”

“I love this boy, but he doesn’t care…”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I’m pretty sure; he never did.”
“Now, why would you say that?”

“Well, he lives too far away
He used to live near me
And we rarely talk anymore
It’s hard to deal with really.”

“Who was this boys?
Where has he gone?”
“No, I can’t tell you
My feelings are wrong.

He has robbed me of my beauty
Stole it from within
When I stopped seeing this boy
He took it away with him.”

“You know, I think you’re lying
Because you know I can tell
That looking through your eyes
You can see you’ve gone through hell.

You’ve been robbed of something, yes
But not what you speak of
Your beauty and grace are still there
So is your kindness and love.”

“How can you still call me beautiful
While I’m standing here a mess
My face looks so horrible
Plus, this torn and tattered dress?”

“Baby, you shine from within
Your beauty glows and shows
I can see past the make-up
To see the real eyes, lips, and nose.”

“You’re just saying that because you have to
Because you’re just trying to be nice
But this is too much to deal with
I can’t let this happen twice.”

“Sweetie stop…I love you dearly
You know this much is true.
I have always been there for you
And I really truly do.”

As she stood there stunned
Her knees began to shake
As she fell down to the floor
Her whole body began to quake

As he bent to pick her up
He noticed something wrong
Her eyes were staring upwards
Her gaze fixed just too long

He held his dying baby
As she slowly slipped away
“I love you and want to marry you…
I was going to propose Valentine’s Day.”

Through her last moments of life
She tried to tell him, with pain
That he was the boy she loved so dearly
But her efforts were in vain

Her body limping, without a soul
For as she slipped out of life
Her one last dream that couldn’t come true
Was just to be his wife

As her love held her body
That had once been so full
He whispered softly in her ear
“How could I not call you beautiful?”

After her funeral the very next day
The boy broke down and cried
She was his everything in his life
He didn’t want her to die

So as the boy walked home
A dove flew over his head
As he watched it silently
He remembered what she said

And as the boy looked down
To walk to his home
He thought he felt something funny
It’s origin, unknown

Then he saw it shining
Lying on the ground
Her favorite golden necklace
That he just had found

He wondered how it got there
But somehow, it led him home
Then he finally realized
That she had already known

She knew he loved her dearly
Of course she knew that was true
But he never even told her
“Baby, I really love you.”

As he sat upon his couch
The boy felt such an ache
His friends found him the next day
Dead of a heartbreak.

*♥*This is probably one of my longest poems...It means a whole lot to me. It is a quick read, though. This would be the one I would love to have people vote and comment on...I always return the favor!!!!!!*♥*

**Note: This poem is published in my high school literature Magazine!!! =D**



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  • 17 years ago


    I`ve already commented on this one but it was a horrible comment lol so I decided to comment once again! I love, and always have loved, this piece. It is amazing and I can see why it would be in the magazine, it deserves so much more praise than I can give to it..sadly, I`m only allowed to vote to a 5 lol.


  • 17 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    6th COMMENT

    wow... very long.. lol ... word choice was good... the flow was good but off in a couple of places ... it seems like you wanted to make a long poem.. and focused more on the length of it than the actual content... also the idea is cliche... not horrible but not my favorite

  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Long but AMAZING! This has to be my favorite now!! lol. Amazing. I'm speechless though. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    OMG, I am so glad I got the chane to read this!!
    Even though it was so long, it held my interest the whole way through and you managed to keep up a perfect flow all throughout this.
    This is another favourite of mine.
    You outdid yourself, you should be proud!

  • 18 years ago


    This is AMAZING!! no really..
    i got goose bumps reading it.
    something inside me turned.
    i duno what it is ay but wow thats a good read.
    im speachless really nice work
    i'm addng you to my favourites. you are an awsum writter.
    much love .xx