Done for good

by lizzy   Feb 10, 2006

You were my best friend it looked like that till the very end
then one day came and we knew we had to say goodbye
she was heading to her school while I was to mine
everything was still fine except the fact that boundaries were
set and we rarely met she still called us best friends but I found
that to be a lie i didn't want to believe it but I did and I wanted to die.
Something came between us, in our friendship grew a weakness
It drew us apart and broke our hearts
days spent with tears And a grateful amount of fear.
Our problems begun and our friendship was done
We tried to work it out but our friendship Had worn out
Our bond was broken and our hearts grew swollen
We tried to ice the pain which drove us insane
After all it had been our friendship was no longer a grin
It was the mood that said our friendship was done for good
After all it had ended no longer to be mended


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  • 19 years ago

    by starryoceanights

    Nice, I like the way you put it all into words so it flowed like that. I have one similar, but yet different. It's called "Fooled"-check out my poems sometime. I really like yours-keep writing!