Heart is crying, soul is dying

by Kenny   Feb 10, 2006

Every day when you are not here
Remember that I will cry myself to sleep
The memories I have of you I want to keep
Never want to forget you
Never want to give you up
The time we shared
Cant ever be compared
The love we had
Why give up when its making us sad?
I never loved someone as much as I love you
Sweet baby, I swear thats true
I will miss you every day and every night
Why cant you stay at my side
I need you to be around me
Oh why cant anyone see
That we love each other so much
Oh why do I have so much pain
Oh why am I going insane
It was you who glued my heart
And it was of you I tried so hard
To stay alive and live with you
That is the only thing I wanted to do
Oh my sweet baby, I miss you so
I wished you never had to go
I wished the people gave us the opportunity
To show the world what we could achieve
My heart is crying
And my soul is dying


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  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Aww im sori u wnt through dis....but its sad....but gwd work....luv dia mwax xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Ankit V Master

    Ya man ! trust me i undertand what u have fealt while writing this poem, trust me an excellent piece of work,hope u never have to go thru this situation ever in life.

  • 19 years ago

    by Kenny

    Thx...it really is written by the heart, and I hope I can "help" people to believe that they are not the only one who've been hurt...but I hope I never feel like this again because it hurt really bad

  • 19 years ago

    by William Woodrow

    Sad, but written from the heart and I like that. Keep it up.