When We Were Young

by Kys Dirty Little Secret   Feb 10, 2006

When we were young: Band Aids and Kisses were our saviors.

When we were young: A broken heart meant, you died.

When we were young: Suicide, wait did we know about suicide I don't think so.

When we were young: School was the best thing that ever happened to us, now it just isn't fair.

When we were young: Instead of boyfriends we were married, I think I had about 2 husbands.

When we were young: Spelling our name was an accomplishment, now it is something we do everyday.

When we were young: Guys had cooties and well Girls didn't.

When we were young: Parents were always right, now half the time we don't know if they are telling the truth.

When we were young: Being able to walk across the street by yourself was not allowed: now you have to almost everyday.

When we were young: A two-wheeled bike was so cool, now we just don't care we have cars.

When we were young: We had those cute little words for when we messed up like oops and whoops, well now we just swear when we mess up.

When we were young: Writing poems like these never happened. So enjoy being young because as you get older Band-Aids and kisses are no longer saviors (well kisses from guys can be), we all now know what suicide is and it hurts to hear about it. Half of us don't like school. A lot of us have boyfriends and we aren't married. Guys don't have cooties anymore (well some of them might) So always remember the good times as a child because after that you might not have anymore.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jaya

    Hey !
    I really liked this poem because it reminded me of my childhood..
    Well done !
    x Jaya x
    p.s thanks for commenting on mine :)

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Hey i lyked dis it was gwd. everything u rote was true or its happend etc....luv it..hey thnks for more of yr comments means heaps...tc
    luv dia mwaz xoxox

  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    This one was kinda hard to put in a catorgory so I put it in funny because there is some funny parts but not all so please don't be offended if some of the things in my poem are not funny and this poem is under the fun & humor catorgory