The heart

by Val   Feb 10, 2006

Within the heart there is a space
Thats kept aside for you
It's where I keep the memories
Of the fun things that we do

Within the heart there is a space
Thats kept aside for me
It's where I keep the private things
Where only I can see

Within the heart there is a space
Thats kept aside for us
It's where I keep the special thoughts
Forever, always, thus

Within the heart there is a space
Thats kept aside for now
It's where I'll keep forever safe
Our life, our love, our vow


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    Like the physical chambers of our hearts, so do we carve out our own for the memories. Great write!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~MoNiQuE~*~

    Thats beautiful! i love it! thanx 4 commenting

  • 19 years ago

    by alive in death

    The tride and true poetry style, you did not sway from, amen sister, great job!
    and thank you very much, friend, for leaving your thoughts about mine down.