by crazyblonde   Feb 10, 2006

She sits by the window
hoping he'll pass by
she wishes he knew
she was waiting,
She sighs and falls onto the couch
Her friends all say she's obsessed,
She smiles and looks him over
he has a look about him
one she can't ignore,
Maybe is the way he laughs
th way he does his hair,
or maybe just the way he looks at her,
Either way, she will admit
she can't help but stare
finally he passes by
she practically melts
she runs to the door
and yells out his name
he turns and waves,
she waves back and goes inside
she can't wait till tomarrow


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  • 19 years ago

    by molly

    I really lik this poem, it reminds me of a loke i used to think i loved, i used to put my life on hold for him just to drive past, or give me a wave.
    something my past can relate to!