Locked up

by Sharlene   Feb 10, 2006

My heart is crying from all the pain
But my eyes don't shed one tear.
On the inside I'm all crumpled up
But on the outside there's no fear.
Love has nearly killed my faith
And life has torn me down.
In flesh you hear a quiet person
But in spirit you'll hear a sound.
The sounds of glass would be my heart
Breaking piece by piece.
And the screams I couldn't scream in life
You would hear me once release.
The sound of stomps would be my feet
As I slam them to the ground.
But instead I sit thinking of temptation
Silent and with no sound.
My heart is crying from all the pain
But my eyes don't shed one tear.
On the inside I'm all crumpled up
But on the outside there's no fear.
Can't let the world know what I'm filling
So I control my cries.
With the outside showing a different me
Than that that is inside.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    AWWWWWW...i can't believe no one has commented on this one yet...this is like the BEST poem that i think ive read in a really really long time...you are speaking from my heart. I am so sorry that you are hurting so much**i know how you feel and im here for you, whenever you need me just write to me and ill be sure to write you back.


    what's the point of living when all we live for is to die???

    ~Hurting Inside~